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Targets skin rejuvenation.


What is the OxyGeneo?

The OxyGeneo is an advanced facial treatment offering a 3-in-1 super facial. It exfoliates, infuses revitalizing nutrients, and oxygenates the skin simultaneously. This process improves skin tone and texture, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and enhances overall skin health. Customizable with various serums for specific skincare concerns, OxyGeneo provides immediate visible results with no downtime, making it a popular choice for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

OxyGeneo Facial - Targets Skin Rejuvenation


OxyGeneo Balance - Targets Acne


OxyGeneo - Buy 4 Get 1 FREE


OxyGeneo Balance - Targets Acne - Buy 4 Get 1 FREE


Here's a step-by-step guide to a OxyGeneo treatment:



Oxygen Infusion






Before and After Photos

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the below questions to reveal answers.

Oxygen facials infuse oxygen, vitamins, and antioxidants into the skin, promoting hydration and revitalization.

No, oxygen facials are gentle and painless, often described as soothing and refreshing.

An oxygen facial typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific treatment and additional steps.

Benefits include improved skin hydration, increased circulation, reduced appearance of fine lines, and a glowing complexion.

While one session can provide instant benefits, a series of treatments is recommended for longer-lasting results.

Yes, oxygen facials can help soothe and calm acne-prone skin while promoting healing and hydration.

No, there's no downtime after an oxygen facial, making it suitable for busy lifestyles.

Yes, makeup can be applied immediately after an oxygen facial without any issues.

Side effects are rare and minimal, with some people experiencing temporary redness or sensitivity.

Frequency depends on individual skin needs, but monthly treatments are often recommended for maintenance.

Yes, oxygen facials are gentle and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Yes, oxygen facials can be combined with other skincare treatments for enhanced results.

No, there's no evidence to suggest that oxygen facials increase sun sensitivity.

Immediate results, such as glowing skin, are often visible after a single session, with cumulative benefits over time.

Yes, oxygen facials can help plump the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time.

FDA Approved Lasers | Certified Staff | Established 1992 | We treat all skin types | Free Consultations On All Services